Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Update on Jayson

Jayson has been doing well these last couple of months.  In April his chemo was done as an outpatient. At times, I brought him in once a week and then there were weeks when I brought him in every day for 5 days straight.  Despite the driving back and forth, he was happy about not having to stay at the hospital overnight. 

For the month of May he returned to the original chemo schedule.  The first week of May he was in the hospital for 6 days, then in the most recent chemo, he stayed for 3 days.  He was discharged just this past Sunday evening, May 21st.  He was scheduled to return this Friday for one dose of chemo as an outpatient.  However, he came down with a fever early this morning, so I brought him back to the hospital around 5:30 a.m.  Since a fever can be a sign of an infection, he was given antibiotics right away.  A blood culture is currently being done to check for bacterial growth. He's expected to be here for at least 2 days as they wait for the results of the blood culture.  In the meantime, they are monitoring him for any other signs of infection. 

So far he's doing well right now. His fever is gone and there are no other symptoms.  He's taking a lot of naps and I'm trying to get him to do some of his school assignments when he's up.  He has over 2 weeks of school left.  So, we're trying to make sure he gets his assignments completed.  His promotion exercise will be on June 7th and we're excited to see him go through the ceremony with his friends and classmates. 

Jayson's next scheduled round of chemo as an inpatient will be June 1-6.  Hopefully, his blood count on June 1st will be high enough so they can proceed with chemo.  If he doesn't meet the blood count, chemo would be postphoned for a few days.  If that's the case, his doctor assured us that she can release him for a few hours so that he can attend the promotion ceremony.  We look forward to celebrating this milestone and other future milestone that Jayson reaches.

It's been almost 6 months since Jayson was diagnosed.  He will be getting another evaluation at the end of June and we're hoping that the results will show an improvement once again.  Please continue to pray for Jayson's health and well-being.  Thank you always for your thoughts and prayers. God bless you all.

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