Friday, October 11, 2013

Message from Jayson

Jayson was taken off the nasal cannula this morning about 9:15, but unfortunately after being off of it for 20 minutes, his oxygen level started to go down.  So, he was put back on it.  But before that, I was able to videotape him with a simple message to all.  Isn't it a miracle to see him wide-eyed and talking once again?Thank you, Lord for this miracle! Enjoy...

Around 10:00 a.m., his craving for his strawberry-banana smoothie came back. He was able to eat all of this smoothie in a 2 hour period.  This simple act of eating his smoothie was another gift from God. Proof that our God is a merciful and loving Father who will take care of His children.


  1. Love the videos.... As soon as we are all better, we will come by.... Ionatana wants to thank jayson for getting him into video games!

  2. :-) Love you Jason! Thanks for the videos Jess. Di
