Sunday, September 15, 2013

Change of Plans

Plans to try to wake Jayson up today had to be changed.  His blood pressure has been fluctuating and result of the CT scan done in the morning calls for an MRI to be done.  So, plans to unparalyze him, remove breathing tube and wake him up was postponed.

Jayson underwent his 4th CT scan this morning. The results indicate all areas are stable.  The lesion that was near his motor strip was less noticeable and the one spot that had grown in size between CT scan # 1 and #2 remains about the same.  He is scheduled to get an MRI done on tomorrow morning (September 16th).

His urine output is still good. Jayson is no longer retaining too much fluid.  In fact, his doctors were concerned that he may not have enough fluids. So we officially ended our "Pee! Jayson! Pee!" campaign and now we just need him to pee normally.  The Puff machine, which removes excess fluids from the body was turned off this morning. This had been on for 4-5 days.  They have been giving him more blood products and other fluids to hydrate him and help with his blood pressure.  In addition, they have been adjusting his blood pressure medication to control his blood pressure

The paralytic medication dosage has been reduced so he is able to move a bit.  We've seen his body shiver, twitch his knee, lift his arm a little, even cough.

His nurses have done a great job taking care of Jayson.  They continue to change his position as needed to prevent bed sores.  They've been giving him a sponge bath regularly. His respiratory therapists have been removing residual blood build up in his lungs every few hours along with performing oral care.  At times they've had to pat firmly on his chest to loosen the build-up.  Overall, it was a good day and progress have been made.

Jayson continues to get visits from family and friends over the weekend.  Many visitors have commented on how tan Jayson looked.  His doctor explained that this is due to some of the medications he's been given that changes skin pigmentation.  He's now a tall, dark and handsome young man!

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