Yesterday (Sunday, Sept. 29th) afternoon was fairly quiet. Jayson was visited by a few family members - Aunts, Uncles and cousins. Jayson was asleep most of the time, but he did wake up when he heard visitors. He raised his hands to his cousins, AJ & Matthew, when they came to visit him and responded to his aunts and uncles as they greeted him. He also waved to a few of them as they stood at the doorway. All of them were so happy to see Jayson awake and get a positive response from him.
During the evening, he was trying to tell us something and when we couldn't quite understand, we pulled out the white board and had him write want he wanted to say. He wrote, "I want to go home". I was happy he was able to write a complete sentence, but at the same time, I was saddened because I had to tell him he was not well enough to go home. I told him we wanted him to go home as well, but his body still needed more time to get better. Early in the morning, he also wrote he wanted a "Large punch". So, today, Henry but him a large Gatorade fruit punch drink. He is still able to drink through a straw, but we have to limit what he sips because he had a tendency of coughing right after he sipped some liquid.
At about 5:00 this morning, he was again having difficulty breathing with the vapotherm tube, so he was switched to the BiPap mask to help put pressure on his lung to push out any liquid in his lungs. He was on the BiPap mask for about 3 hours and then was put back on the vapotherm. He's been on this the rest of the day.
At 8:00 in the morning, he was put on the recliner for a few hours where he slept most of the time. He was moved back to his bed around 10:00 a.m. and was able to help nurses a bit, standing with assistance and sitting up a few minutes on the bed.
Jayson has slept most of the day, waking up only to drink juice or water. It's been a quiet day for us and I was able to catch up on some sleep which explains this late posting. I know many check on our blog to get updates and I will continue to try to get the latest info on Jayson as soon as I can. We are lucky that we have my mother-in-law with us almost every day to help watch Jayson and Keilani. Mommy Del has also been doing our laundry regularly while she stays at the Fisher House. More importantly, when she's at Jayson's bedside, she reads bible scriptures to him and talks to him.
There hasn't been any major change in Jayson's condition these past 2 days. He still has some fluids in his lungs, but he continues to make excellent urine output. Today, his fluid differential was negative 2 liters. He is still getting blood products as needed. He still is running a fever and we wipe him down with cool face towels to help lower his fever. Jayson remains responsive to questions and still recognizes us. The goal to night is to keep him comfortable.
We don't know what tomorrow will bring. But each day that arrives is another day closer to seeing Jayson's bone marrow begin producing new blood. According to one of his oncologist who came by this afternoon, the earliest this would be is about another week or two. Let's pray that it'll be sooner because the sooner Jayson's bone marrow produces blood, the better chances Jayson has to combat any infections. Please join me in continuing to pray for this.
Thank you once again for walking with Jayson in this journey. We don't know where this walk will lead us to, but we hope it will be to a better place than where we are today. I know for me, this journey has already strengthened me, my personal relationship with Jesus and my faith. I also know that this has brought my family closer together and we are more aware and grateful for each blessing that comes our way. Thank you always for your prayers and support. You are each a blessing in our life. Good night and God bless you.
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