Friday, September 13, 2013

Continues To Improve

Jayson remains stable and continues to improve. He had another smooth and uneventful night.  He was stable enough yesterday to be bathed and re-positioned.  He's looking much better this morning and less swollen than the day before.  Our prayer request for him to pee seems to be working.  Let's continue to pray for it.

Jayson had additional procedures/tests done yesterday in addition to his regular labs.  An EEG was done to see if any seizures have occurred.  Thankfully that was negative.  The EEG also indicated that his brain activity was minimal. His doctor said it was probably due to sedation, but she could not rule out damage done by the cancer.  They will check brain activity once he's no longer sedated. An opthamologist checked for fungal infection in his eyes and this too was negative.  In the afternoon, an ultrasound was done to check his liver and kidneys. The ultrasound showed a lot of fluid in the area, but his liver and kidneys looked okay. They will continue to keep a close watch on these two organs.

The focus today continues to be his liver and kidneys.  They will also attempt to inject a chemotherapy drug in his spinal cord that they've put off for the past few days.  The nurses are able to move him and roll him to the side without compromising the breathing tube or effecting his vitals.

We will have more updates later today.  Thank you for your continued prayers.

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