Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New Visitation Rules

I got done meeting with Jayson's doctors and nurses when they did their rounds about an hour ago. Besides discussing Jayson's current condition, we discussed changes that need to be made immediately regarding visitations. As of right now, we will not be able to accept any visits from many family and friends. Only Jayson's immediate family members (parents, siblings, grandparents) will be allowed to come and see Jayson.  The only other exceptions are adults who will be relieving Henry & I to watch over Jayson. However, no one who has a cough or is sick are allowed to visit. We all want to do whatever we can to help Jayson and protect him. His immune system is completely not working since his bone marrow is not making any white blood cells. So, he has no way of protecting himself from infections. The doctors and nurses are doing everything they can to help Jayson. And we, as his parents, want to do our part in giving Jayson the best chances of getting through this hospital stay. I'm sure everyone will understand and will abide by these changes.

I know many want to visit and see him, but it's best not to do so at this time. We appreciate everyone's concerns and support. If the situation changes, we will let you know. Please continue to pray instead and spend that time with your own family. Cherish each moment you have with them. God bless you all.

1 comment:

  1. Ate Jessie, We continue to pray for Jayson and the family. Love, The deOcampo and Yamaguchi family.
