Saturday, September 14, 2013

CT Scan

A few additional procedures were done yesterday, Sept.13th.  Since Jayson was stable and they were able to move him around more without compromising his progress, a lumbar puncture was done to inject chemotherapy drug in his spinal cord.  This was suppose to be done earlier this week but Jayson was not stable enough to be moved around. This chemotherapy is to help treat the AML (Acute Myeloid Lukemia) that he was diagnosed with earlier this week.

During the procedure, he was rolled to his side as the doctors and nurses cleaned and accessed his spine. Some spinal fluid was removed for evaluation and the chemo med was injected. Fluid was also extracted from his spinal cord and the rate that the fluid came out raised some concerns about possible bleeding or swelling in the brain.  So, a CT scan was ordered.  

Performing a CT scan required transporting Jayson down the hall to the CT Scan area. Although Jayson was stable, he was still very fragile and transporting him down the hall with all the required IV poles and machines was a difficult tasks. He would be detached from the breathing machine and a nurse would require manually pumping oxygen into his lung during the transit. This was a risk, but the procedure needed to be done. 

While Jayson was being transported to get his CT Scan, family & friends who were in the waiting area stood along the path, cheering, clapping and encouraging him as he passed them. 

After a few hours, the result of the CT scan came in. There was no swelling, thank God.  However, they did find 3 small areas that seem to be bleeding.  The doctors weren't sure what caused that and the radiologist recommended doing another CT scan to check for any progression in the areas. Another CT Scan was scheduled for the following morning.

During the night, Jayson's YFC friends came down from Murrieta/Temecula area to visit him once again. They couldn't sing or pray over him as a group this time due to visitation restrictions, so they came in to his room one at a time to talk, sing or pray over Jayson privately. I think this more intimate visit was more meaningful to Jayson and his visitors.

It was a good day. Jayson continues to make progress. His urine output increased. (Our "PEE! Jayson! Pee!" campaign was successful.) His swelling has subsided and his face now looks normal. Jayson has made it through day 5 in PICU!  Let's pray for continued improvement.

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