Monday, September 23, 2013

Preparing for Tomorrow

Jayson has a new ICU doctor today, Dr. Kon, who we met when he did rounds this morning.  After evaluating Jayson's condition and reviewing what precautionary steps they wanted to do before attempting extubation, the decision to postpone the procedure for another day was made.

Dr. Kon wanted an ENT physician to check out Jayson's respiratory system for any signs of bleeding or other issues that can be a potential problem.  A consult order was submitted to the ENT department and an examination was done about 3:30 this afternoon.  A scope with a camera on the tip was inserted in Jayson's breathing tube.  The camera went down his throat to the tubes leading to the entries to his lungs and all the doctors were able to view it on the monitor.  According to the Chief ENT physician, there were no signs of bleeding or clots.  He didn't see anything that could be a potential problem.  His recommendation was to transfuse Jayson with plasma and platelets to get his platelet count up and help improve his body's ability to form clots.
Henry & I just spoke to Dr. Kon about an hour ago.  He reviewed the ENT's doctor's evaluation and went over his own plan for Jayson.  His goal is to give Jayson the best chances of getting extubated successfully. He wants Jayson to be as alert as possible when the procedure begins.  This may require giving Jayson less pain medication.

He's already replaced the two sedation medication Jayson with another one called Propofol. This medication doesn't have the withdrawal effects as the other two. Another benefit of this medication is that once it's turned off, it's gone from his system within 15 minutes, whereas, the other two can take days.

Jayson will be given plasma and platelets transfusion early morning as recommended by the ENT doctor.  At about 8 a.m., he will be given two other medications for pain and to keep from getting withdrawals.  The Propofol will be turned off and we'll wait for Jayson to wake up. Once he's awake, the tube will be removed.  Jayson's nurses and doctors are optimistic about tomorrow's procedure.  I know they are taking additional precautions to ensure the extubation will be successful.

We will continue to pray and rely on God's mercy and love in preparation for tomorrow.  Thank you once again for all your prayers and support.

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