Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Keeping Him Stable

Jayson's blood pressure was an issue overnight.  The nurses had to continually adjust his medications to control his blood pressure. But other than that, last night went by fairly smoothly. Jayson has been stable most of the day and there are no major concerns that are worrying his doctors and nurses.

It looks like Jayson's kidneys are recovering.  The latest labs indicate that his numbers are improving and he's still making excellent urine output.  His nephrologist came by to examine him and confirmed his kidneys were looking better.  She said she would continue to monitor his progress but she was optimistic he wouldn't need dialysis.

A chest x-ray was done this morning and it showed some fluids on the bottom left portion of his left lung and his respiratory therapist suctioned some of the fluid out.  However, she's trying to minimize the times she goes in there to avoid aggravating his lungs.  She wants to give his lungs a chance to heal so that they'll be healthier when they attempt extubation (remove breathing tube) on Friday.

The nurses have been changing Jayson's lying position to prevent bed sores.  He does have one blister on his left ear. This blister probably started last week when he was on his left side most of the time.  He had retained so much fluids at that time and he wasn't stable enough to be moved around.  The nurses are examining him regularly for any signs of sores.  In the morning when the morning shift first re-positioned him, he opened his eyes for about a minute and had a dazed look.  I didn't get any indication that he was recognized me, but I'm grateful that I got to look into my son's eyes once again.

We expect the rest of the night to be uneventful and his nurses will continue their care.  As issues arise changes to his care are made.  He has been very well taken care of here at NMCSD and many of the nurses and staff who've taken care of Jayson have cared for him while he has been sedated.  They are anxious to meet him and I hope they get that opportunity. I hope they get to meet the young man we've been telling stories about and see him smile. I pray that day will come soon.

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