Monday, October 21, 2013

Happy To Be Home

Life Guard on Watch
I know it's been 3 days since our last post and I've receive many emails, phone calls and texts from family and friends who are asking how Jayson is doing.  First of all, thank you for your interests, concerns and prayers. Secondly, I'm sorry I haven't been able to post the past few days, but I'm happy to report that Jayson is doing great and is very happy to be home.  

He asked me today if he had to go back to the hospital tomorrow since tomorrow is the 5th day. He recalled that he had told his doctors that he wanted to go home for 5 days.  His question brought a smile to my face and my answer brought a smile to his.   I explained to him that we would need to take him to the hospital about 3x a week to get his blood count checked and for blood transfusions, if needed. I told him he can stay at home as long as he wants and as long as he was doing well.

Last Friday, Oct. 20th, Henry & I brought him back to NMCSD 2 North clinic in the morning to get his blood count checked. Based on the results, he only needed 2 units of platelets transfused that day.  His red blood count was holding steady and his white blood count (WBC) has increased.  His oncologist, Dr. McManaman, wanted to get a manual count to make sure that the increase in his WBC was not due to the blast cells (immature white blood cells).  We haven't heard the result of this manual count yet.  Hopefully, we'll find out tomorrow morning when Jayson returns to NMCSD once again for another complete blood count check. 

During Dr. McManaman's physical examination of Jayson, I asked her to look at Jayson's calves and feet. We just noticed that the red rashes that he had on his calves and feet were almost maroon-like in color.  She told us that these were like little blood clots and may be a sign of his cancer's progression. She warned us that this may gradually produce open sores with clear liquid coming out of them. She said they won't be painful, but may be distressful to look at.
With Nurse Katie
It took a while for the blood bank to prepare the platelets and give it to Jayson's nurse. We had arrived about 8:30 a.m. that morning and Jayson was given his premeds; Zofran for nausea and Benadryl to minimize getting an allergic reaction to the platelets.  Even though each unit takes about 30 minutes to administer, we didn't leave the hospital until about 2:30 in the afternoon. While we were there, a few of Jayson's doctors and nurses came by his room to see how he was doing. Jayson told one of his ICU physicians, Dr. Byrnes that he had just eaten breakfast.  Dr. Byrnes asked him what he had for breakfast, but Jayson couldn't remember.  All he remembered was that "it was delicious!” I would describe it more as "Grrrrrrrreat!”  He had eaten a bowl of Frosted Flakes cereal with milk.

It was about 4:00 p.m. by the time we arrived home again. In the afternoon, Henry & I gave him a shower in the bathroom.  Although we had all the equipment and supplies we needed, we still lacked the experience in taking care of Jayson ourselves. At the hospital, the nurses and staff took care of all his medical and hygiene requirements, now; it was mainly up to Henry & me to do the job. We've been learning as we go and after four days of getting organized and learning from our mistakes, I think we're finally getting the hang of it. Henry & I both have our main roles and responsibilities in taking care of Jayson, but our family & friends have pitch in to help with whatever we needed. Thank God for all the support we continue to receive.

Friday evening, a few family members and friends came by to visit. They were all happy to see Jayson at home once again, comfortable and content in his room. Jayson has been sharing his story about his experience with Jesus and his Tita Anna to all of his visitors this weekend.  Even though they all knew the "Go Back My Child" story I shared on the blog, it was more powerful when they heard it directly from Jayson. 

With Panganiban Family
With Grandma Lely

With Colada Family 

At about 9:30 p.m. Kristen arrived with a few of Jayson's closest friends.  They had come from the Youth For Christ (YFC) weekly household worship/meeting.  Jayson was more energetic and talkative while they were here for a few hours.  Some of the comments and stories Jayson shared along with his actions made them laugh. Here's a few for you to enjoy.

Jayson slept well Friday night and had more energy the following day. After eating some Lucky Charms cereal in his room, Henry & I took him to the living room couch to get some morning sunshine.  He sat there, took a nap and played video games on his laptop.  At about noon, the Miranda family arrived bringing us some fried rice and longanisa (Pilipino sausages) for lunch. Jayson continued to share his stories and joke as he had done with other visitors. They were all happy to see him once again and we all praised God for the miracle we saw in Jayson. Later that afternoon, he was visited by the Perlas family. Francis was one of Jayson's closest friends and Jayson sang "Happy Belated Birthday" to him. He also sang "Funky Town" which is one of his favorite songs to sing when he was younger.

With his Bro, Peter
With his Sis, Margaret

With Perlas Family
Saturday was a quieter day for us. Jayson didn't have any new visitors after 6:00 p.m. and we enjoyed some quiet time as a family. His older brother, Justin, arrived about 9:00 p.m. and watched Jayson for a few hours. I had given him medication to help him sleep, but he threw up 15 minutes later.  He was restless for a few hours and so I gave him another dose.  He slept well the rest of the night.

Grandpa's Free 24-hr Barber Shop
On Sunday, Jayson was more active and was able to go outside to get some sun. His grandfather trimmed his hair while he was outside.  Jayson has been bothered by his uneven hair and so asked to get a haircut. Afterwards, he played life guard as he sat in his wheelchair watching his sister and cousins play in the pool. After about 30 minutes outside, he asked to be taken back to his room to rest.

Enjoying our backyard with family once again!
With Cousins Andrew & Matthew
With his older brother, Justin

Deacon Jim & Auntie Merle
 In the afternoon, Deacon Jim came by to give us Holy Communion with his wife Sister Merle. Jayson shared his "Go Back My Child" story with them as well. We said he was lucky to get a glimpse of heaven and not many people get to see it and come back.  I noticed that these past few days, Jayson has been more emotional. He easily gets teary-eyed when we talk about his condition and God's love for him. During Deacon Jim and Sister Merle's visit, Jayson started crying.  We asked him why he was crying and he said he didn't know.  I asked him if they were sad tears or joyful tears and he said they were joyful tears. We never did find out why he started crying, but I do believe they were tears of joy. 

In the late afternoon, Jayson continued to get visits from family and friends. It was great to see him interact with his childhood friends and family members. Again, he shared his "Go Back My Child" story with all of them. We noticed that this weekend as he told his story, there were more details.  He had mentioned that when he had seen Jesus & his Tita Anna, they were behind the golden gates and he was outside of the gates. He also said that he had seen angels flying above him singing hymns. He also said that when Jesus told him to "Go back my child for I love you." he just walked back. We asked if he was scared at all and he said he wasn't. He described the place as being all white. I've read and heard similar stories like this, but now I know someone who has actually experienced it himself.  It's re-assuring and comforting to know that (1) my sister is in heaven with Jesus and more importantly, (2) there is a heaven and Jayson was able to see it himself
Childhood friends for over 1o years!
Jayson has to go back to the NMCSD tomorrow morning for another complete blood check. We hope that tomorrow's checkup will show that his bone marrow has started to produce the healthy blood his body needs to fight off the cancer. Again, we don't know what the future holds for Jayson, but I don't think Jesus would tell him to go back just to see him suffer more with cancer. I personally believe that God has big plans for Jayson. I think Jayson knows that as well. He had told me this past Friday while we were waiting for his platelets, that when Deacon Noel (our family friend) had talked to him one-on-one about a week ago, he had asked Jayson what he wanted to do. Jayson said that he wanted to make people happy and that he wanted to be an inspiration to others. Well, Jayson has been making us happy and is inspiring us with his powerful story, his admirable strength and his enduring faith. We love you Jayson and we will continue to pray for your complete healing.

Praise to you our Almighty Father and Savior! Thank you for giving Jayson the gift of seeing you, Joanna and heaven. Thank you for using Jayson as a living testimony of your existence and your love. Thank you for giving Henry & me the privilege of raising your son, Jayson.  We pray that others will get to know you through Jayson and his story. Please continue to use him, O Lord, for your greater glory! 

1 comment:

  1. Praise God! Thank you so much for the update. God bless you all!
